Wednesday, 1 February 2012

How to Make Lemon Skin Whitener Lotion At Home

A Lemon skin lightener recipe. Helps lighten skin for uneven skin tones or gradually lighten skin tone.

  • 2 oz. Fresh strained Lemon juice
  • 1 oz. Light or Medium Rum or Vinegar
  • 1 Teaspoon Glycerin
Method or Instructions:

1. First, Strain 2 ounces of juice from fresh Lemons. You can help loosen the juice by rolling the Lemon on a counter top before you cut it, or you can put it in the microwave for just a few seconds. Do not put it in the microwave for too long, you want the juice in it to loosen up but not to start cooking.

2. Next, in a clean empty container, pour the 2 ounces of Lemon juice, Then add 1 ounce of light or medium Rum or Vinegar then add the 1 teaspoon Glycerin.

3. Lastly, Shake all the ingredients together until they are mixed well. Refrigerate when not in use.